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Hunter Biden Expected to Plead Guilty to Tax Crimes and Illegal Firearm Possession in Anticipated Plea Agreement"

In a significant development following a comprehensive five-year investigation, Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, is anticipated to accept responsibility for two misdemeanour tax offenses and acknowledge the unlawful possession of a firearm during a period of drug use. The US Attorney's Office in Delaware has submitted legal documents indicating the existence of a plea agreement.

As part of the anticipated agreement, Hunter Biden is expected to consent to undergo drug treatment and submit to monitoring. While the exact details of the agreement remain undisclosed, it is anticipated that the terms would likely aim to prevent him from serving a prison sentence.

Before the deal can be finalized, it will be subject to the approval of a judge. The judicial review is an essential step in ensuring that all aspects of the agreement adhere to legal requirements.


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